Give to the Max Day 2014

Please donate to Old Highland Neighborhood Association on Give to the Max Day.

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Please donate to Old Highland Neighborhood Association on Give to the Max Day.

Your donation on Give to the Max Day may help us receive an additional donation of $2,000. How? On November 13, every gift made on will be entered into an hourly drawing for a $2,000 GiveMN Golden Ticket to be awarded to a nonprofit organization. That adds up to 24 opportunities for you to help us receive an extra $2,000!

Here’s the really exciting part: At the end of Give to the Max Day, one donation made on will be randomly selected to receive a $20,000 Super-Sized GiveMN Golden Ticket.

The more gifts we generate on on November 13, the more our chances increase to receive that additional $20,000 donation. Imagine what we could do with $20,000!

Click here to visit the Old Highland GiveMN page and make your donation.

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